Wednesday, 19 October 2011

feeding the 5000!

cooking for ourselves inset something we would normally find difficult as both me and becca are more than capable or cooking food and looking after ourselves and so we have been cooking and eating together as it makes it easier. since being here though we seem to have found it increasingly difficult to put together a proper meal and leave the supermarket with any productive ingredients to be able to cook anything. we have even spent over an hour in a massive super market and all we have left with is toilet role and water! when what we really needed was real food! i think we are finding the supermarket very over whelming as it is full of unfamiliar items and its very difficult to find things we would normally cook with so we are having to search every isle for something we recognise and with my spanish as bad as it is it is very hard. but some how we are surviving and managing to rustle up food from time to time. but we seem to be struggling with quantity! both being from large families, cooking for two just isn't normal and so we seem to over cater every time! as you can see her becca went a little be over the top on the amount of peas she put on! we both managed to eat them though! lets hope our eating habits improve!!

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